We are here for a massive change.
''this is a non profit service that will prove its self with time''
''We will be helping identify Mold Toxicity Symptoms, which is estimated to effect well over 25% of the population due to the HLA-DR gene''
Those of us that are not happy with the way of the world and the struggles that many people are going through, we want to help create change, if you are one of these people, join us in creating just that!
We are missing a connection, many people are lonely, lost and in fear for the future, homelessness is at its highest point ever and division has become the ruler. We want to help lessen this for people where we can.
Poor mental health is affecting many, people are suffering and we need to reach out. Nutrition and deficiency is a key factor in mental health recovery, Nutrient rich food and supplementation is essential in helping people.
Anxiety, depression, psychosis are all linked to nutrient deficiency, study after study proves this. I myself suffered with poor mental health on and off over the years and being reluctant to medicate to cover symptoms, I chose to do many years of research and in doing so came across many great pioneers in the medical field that have been doing great work independently of mainstream medicine. When you realise that the success rate of the medical industry in recovering people from poor mental health or more severe forms like schizophrenia, is less than 15% you become to understand that it is a huge failure and it is upon ourselves to make the change, for ourselves. Understand there is no profit in natural healing in the medical system, so no incentive.
What is our plan?
We are creating an informative website that links people together in a community and helps identify deficiency in each person and create a solution, this is a non profit service that will prove its self with time.
We will be helping identify Mold Toxicity Symptoms, which is estimated to affect well over 25% of the population who carry the HLA-DR gene, this makes them genetically susceptible to biotoxic illnesses.
Symptoms of this are so broad and can be linked to diagnoses of chronic fatigue syndrome, Fibromyalgia, linked to heart disease and psychosis, brain fog and auto immune disease, extreme lethargy, the list goes on.
We have solutions to put in place to deal with mold toxicity in the home and help reverse symptoms.
With your help we also want to find people in Maidstone and surrounding areas that need help in fixing their houses that is causing negative living conditions and no finances to fix it. We have a basic plan to start up, but, this is not just about us, its about making a community, talking out ideas and options, then creating action! We can all do a little together to help out.
Good hearted people enjoying the journey, having some fun and gaining confidence in achievements and make some good friends along the way.
If you have experience that will help motivate or organise, that's great, but anyone is more than welcome whoever you are, as long as you see a need for change, we need your help. I'm confident we will create an amazing experience for many. We will update our website with more information as this project unfolds.
Best Wishes
Andy Judge